You can send a booking request through our online form.
This form will guide you through most of the necessary information in order to prepare your price offer.
Completing a booking request on our website is not binding.
After completing the booking request, we will get back to you by e-mail with a detailed price offer.

You can book a mission by validating the price offer you get by e-mail.

This confirmation has to happen by signing the offer or by sending us an e-mail confirming your agreement.

In order to provide you the perfect match between your requirements and the people we dedicate to your specific job, we recommend to book at least 4 weeks in advance.

We can of course also deliver people on a short notice basis and we will always do our best to select the best fit among the available profiles at the time of booking.


We can deliver service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at the time you choose.

When ordering, please just indicate the time slot during which you want your team to be there.

The minimum slot/shift is 4 hours.
For this reason we advice you to book your team startegically :

if you just had in mind to book – for example – a hostess from 8.00 to 10.00 am; you’ll be in any case invoiced for 4 hours. For this reason you maybe better book from 7.00 tot 11.00 am, it guarantees you you can face any unexpected situation (clients are sometimes earlier at the location, you’ll maybe face an unexpected problem and our staff can be there and help you solving this, etc.).

We mostly deliver event people in and around the main cities in Belgium.

Our staff is coming from all over the country, so we are able to provide a premium staff wherever you need.

Some clients even ask us to follow them across Europe to be sure they can trust on the same level and expertise during their roadshows, for example.

Shortly : we have no limit to provide you quality service.


Once you approved our quotation, we forsee and book our staff based on your confirmation.

Of course, you can still bring changes to your booking:

– up to 7 business days before the mission, we agree on changes going from -50% to +50% of the total volume of the quotation. Any extra needs to be approved by Suits & Skirts.

– up to 3 business days before the mission, we agree on changes going from -25% to +25% of the total volume of the quotation. Any extra needs to be approved by Suits & Skirts.

– on the mission, our staff is flexible, but we also guarantee a daily volume of hours. For this reason, we accept during the job a maximim reduction of 20% of the duration of each staff member to stay flexible with the dynamic of your event. Our staff is also flexible to stay longer (only after agreement of the staff members).

Yes it’s possible.

We only accept cancellations communicated by email to with the subject “CANCELLATION” + the order number.

Keep in mind that we keep the best people matching your specific requirements and therefore we also refuse other customers / requests to serve you as good as we can. Therefore, we apply cancellation fees of:

  • 50% of the ordered volume 7 calendar days before the start of your event / booking;
  • 60% of the ordered volume 5 calendar days before the start of your event / booking;
  • 70% of the ordered volume 4 calendar days before the start of your event / booking;
  • 80% of the ordered volume 3 calendar days before the start of your event / booking;

All products that may be have been personalized, printed, produced and / or items made to measure for you are 100% payable as soon as they are put into production.


Our range is expanding every day, also at the request of our customers.

If you are looking for a specific profile or you did not find your wish immediately, contact us: We will be happy to help you in your search!

Our team is always wearing a common uniform :

– Hostesses and are standard wearing a suits and a scarf.

– Hosts are standard wearing a suits and a tie.

– Parking boys are standard wearing a suits and a yellow jacket; depending on the timeslot they work we also provide a specific red torch.

You can find all our Suits & Skirts on our dedicated page.

If you don’t find what you are looking for, just ask us, our range of clothing is expanding every week.


For some specific missions, you can request a tailor-made uniform or specific accessories.

These items will clerly be quoted and mentionned on your price request.

Some long term clients ask us to store their uniforms to be sure we provide them on each mission they book : just ask, we can provide a lot of tailor-made solutions to your company.


When you order from Suits & Skirts for the first time, we apply a 50% deposit.

We base the calculation of this deposit on the pricing validated on the confirmation of the reservation.


A few days after the service, you will receive the invoice which will take into account the count of hours actually worked.

Our invoices are monthly automatically sent to our clients.

You will be invoiced a few days after the last service day, not later than the last day of the month during which the service took place.

For missions that take place over several weeks, you’ll be billed on a monthly basis.

All our invoices are sent by e-mail in PDF format.

We only send one invoice by e-mail.

We can add any specific reference you need on the invoices, like PO numbers, Codes, Department references, etc.

If a specific reference is required by your company, please let us know this during the reservation process.

After your event, we will provide a count of hours on the basis of which the invoice will be issued.

We then pause billing for 5 working days to get the invoice references; after this time, the invoice will be automatically generated.

All our invoices are payable within 30 days of invoice date.


At Suits & Skirts, you will not be charged any hidden fees.

In the vast majority of reservations, we simply apply a ‘flat rate’ including all the costs and legal obligations that are sometimes hidden at other places.

So, the complete outfits will be included in our price.

For sepcific outfit requests please refer higher to ‘Profiles & Outfits / Tailor made uniforms’.

Any kind of meal fees are included in our price.
You do not have any obligation to provide a meal to our staff, we just ask to clearly communicate about this when booking, so we can brief our staff on this information.
We well ask you to forsee the possibility to have a break and to offer our staff a timeslot to discretely take a break/lunch during the mission.

At Suits & Skirts, you will not be charged any hidden fees.

Our price always includes the cost to bring our people to the event location.

For very specific mission, you will maybe need our staff to be mobile on the mission; please mention and discuss this with your dedicated event officer at Suits & Skirts during the reservation process.
These specific needs will be clearly defined and quantified in the offer you’ll get from Suits & Skirts.

At Suits & Skirts, you will not be charged any hidden fees.

For any mission between 4 and 10 working hours, you’ll not be billed any additionnal charges.

If your mission will be longer than 10 hours, we will offer you 2 options :

  1. We can split the timeslot between 2 people to avoid any additional fee
  2. We can keep the same staff member during the whole period and bill you 50% on the duration above 10 working hours.

At Suits & Skirts, you will not be charged any hidden fees.

We don’t charge any additionnal fees for missions during the weekend or during public holidays.

We only apply supplements on shifts that exceed 10 hours on a same day (please refer to’Do I have to pay for extra hours)


Our invoices are monthly automatically sent to our clients.

You will be invoiced a few days after the last service day, not later than the last day of the month during which the service took place.

For missions that take place over several weeks, you’ll be billed on a monthly basis.


Do not hesitate to contact our office to help you with your next challenge !